Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Symantec PGP Command Line Tutorial


1. Goto
2. Click Free Trial
3. Fillup the information and download
4. You should get a zip file mine was ""
5.  Unzip then transfer the installer to the system you are going to install. Mine was a redhat
 (Hint: click to zoom)

 To install PGP Command Line into a different directory: 
1 If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the computer, uninstall it. 
2 Download the installer file called PGPCommandLine[version]Linux.tar to a known location on your system.
3 Untar the package first. You will get the following file: PGPCommandLine[version]Linux.rpm 
4 Type: rpm --prefix=/opt -ivh PGPCommandLine[version]Linux.rpm 
5 Press Enter. This command will install the application binary in the directory /opt/bin/pgp, libraries in /opt/lib, etc. 

You will need to edit the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the new library path for the software to function in any location other than the default.

 pgp --license-authorize --license-number "D4LVN-LH6UG-CUNWP-YLMBP-GDR59-PVA"


Example: pgp --gen-key "Skull" --key-type RSA --bits 2048 --passphrase "King Kong"

Example 2: pgp --gen-key "Dexter Velasco <>" --key-type DH --encryption-bits 2048 --signing-bits 2048 --passphrase "AshleyRocks"

 List key
 pgp --list-keys

 How to encrypt ?

/dbapps/applmgr/pgp-10.3.1/bin/pgp -esa $OUTGOING_TOP/mapm/processed/$DATA_FILE.$DATE -r "Bank of Amerika BA-CLEAR" -u EMRNETW10876

To encrypt

-e encrypt
-s sign
-a armor
-r recipient
-u user

Example : pgp -esa open.txt -r "Skull" -u Skull --passphrase "King Kong"

To decrypt

pgp --decrypt open.txt.asc

pgp --decrypt open.txt.asc --passphrase "King Kong"

Theory how to
Export key
Import key

How  to Export Keys

Public key

pgp --export "Dexter Velasco <>" --output DAV

Private key
pgp --export-key-pair "Dexter Velasco <>" --output DA.PRV

A message can be encrypted by Skull but decrypted by DAV

  1. pgp -esa missile.txt -r "Dexter Velasco <>" -u Skull --passphrase "King Kong"
  2. pgp --decrypt missile.txt.asc --passphrase "AshleyRocks"

  1. Encrypt missile.txt with Dexter
  2. Delete key Dexter
  3. Import Private key Dexter
  4. Decrypt missile.txt

  1. Import Public key Dexter
  2. Encrypt missile.txt
  3. Decrypt
  4. Import private key dexter
  5. Decrype

Remove key

pgp --remove-key-pair "Dexter Velasco <>" --force

How to import key

pgp --import "DAV"  (this contains the public)
 pgp --import "DA.V"

1 comment:

  1. very good one. Thanks for the blog. Appreciate it!!!
