1. Goto
2. Click Free Trial
3. Fillup the information and download
4. You should get a zip file mine was ""
5. Unzip then transfer the installer to the system you are going to install. Mine was a redhat
(Hint: click to zoom)
(Hint: click to zoom) how to install
To install PGP Command Line into a different directory:
1 If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the computer, uninstall it.
2 Download the installer file called PGPCommandLine[version]Linux.tar to a known location on your system.
3 Untar the package first. You will get the following file: PGPCommandLine[version]Linux.rpm
4 Type: rpm --prefix=/opt -ivh PGPCommandLine[version]Linux.rpm
5 Press Enter. This command will install the application binary in the directory /opt/bin/pgp, libraries in /opt/lib, etc.
You will need to edit the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the new library path for the software to function in any location other than the default.
pgp --license-authorize --license-number "D4LVN-LH6UG-CUNWP-YLMBP-GDR59-PVA"
Example: pgp --gen-key "Skull" --key-type RSA --bits 2048 --passphrase "King Kong"
Example 2: pgp --gen-key "Dexter Velasco <>" --key-type DH --encryption-bits 2048 --signing-bits 2048 --passphrase "AshleyRocks"
List key
pgp --list-keys
How to encrypt ?
/dbapps/applmgr/pgp-10.3.1/bin/pgp -esa $OUTGOING_TOP/mapm/processed/$DATA_FILE.$DATE -r "Bank of Amerika BA-CLEAR" -u EMRNETW10876
To encrypt
-e encrypt
-s sign
-a armor
-r recipient
-u user
Example : pgp -esa open.txt -r "Skull" -u Skull --passphrase "King Kong"
To decrypt
pgp --decrypt open.txt.asc
pgp --decrypt open.txt.asc --passphrase "King Kong"
Theory how to
Export key
Import key
How to Export Keys
Public key
pgp --export
"Dexter Velasco <>" --output DAV
Private key
--export-key-pair "Dexter Velasco <>" --output DA.PRV
A message can be
encrypted by Skull but decrypted by DAV
- pgp -esa missile.txt -r "Dexter Velasco <>" -u Skull --passphrase "King Kong"
- pgp --decrypt missile.txt.asc --passphrase "AshleyRocks"
- Encrypt missile.txt with Dexter
- Delete key Dexter
- Import Private key Dexter
- Decrypt missile.txt
- Import Public key Dexter
- Encrypt missile.txt
- Decrypt
- Import private key dexter
- Decrype
Remove key
--remove-key-pair "Dexter Velasco <>"
How to import key
pgp --import
"DAV" (this contains the
pgp --import "DA.V"
very good one. Thanks for the blog. Appreciate it!!!