If you are like some people who are stuck in company and was promised to be trained (sucker) but wasn't. Your DBA is just too much of a prick to give you
a test database you can play around. You do not have enough servers to have as a test environment. A student who wants to get ahead. The answer is Virtualization.
If your ignorant boss ask you how much it will cost, tell him don't worry Oracle products are free for evaluation.
Do not worry about understanding just follow my directions and you will be fine.
Objective: Install Oracle VM on windows.
What you will need:
- An oracle account. Again this is free you will only need an email address.
- Download the Oracle VM VirtualBox
- Download the VM Template
Install Oracle Virtual Box
1. For this lesson we will download the Oracle VM VirtualBox for windows.
2. After downloading the software just double click the installer and keep on clicking next without changing anything.
Import VM Template.
3. Download the OVA
4. Checkpoint. By now you should have this on your folders.
5.Open up your VirtualBox and go to File > Import Appliance > Open appliance choose the directory where you stored Oracle_Developer_Days > Next > Import > Agree
6. It should look like this by now.
7. Simply double click the VM on the left and your username and password is both oracle off you go!
8. Well done congratulations on your first task!