CREATE OR REPLACE function SYS.ora_dex_verify_function
( username varchar2,
password varchar2,
old_password varchar2)
return boolean IS
differ integer;
lang varchar2(512);
message varchar2(512);
ret number;
last_change sys.user$.ptime%type; --DAV4635 minimum_age
minimum_age number :=1;--DAV4635 minimum_age
-- Get the cur context lang and use utl_lms for messages- Bug 22730089
lang := sys_context('userenv','lang');
lang := substr(lang,1,instr(lang,'_')-1);
if not ora_complexity_check(password, chars => 8, uppercase => 1,
lowercase => 1, digit => 1, special => 1) then
end if;
-- Check if the password differs from the previous password by at least
-- 8 characters
if old_password is not null then
differ := ora_string_distance(old_password, password);
if differ < 4 then
ret := utl_lms.get_message(28211, 'RDBMS', 'ORA', lang, message);
raise_application_error(-20000, utl_lms.format_message(message, 'four'));
end if;
--DAV4635 minimum_age
select ptime into last_change from sys.user$ where name=username;
if sysdate - last_change < minimum_age then
raise_application_error(-20010, 'Password changed too soon');
--DAV4635 minimum_age
end if;
end if;